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Help make the most of limited resources

We facilitate productivity by streamlining workflows. One example is our OR Management solutions that plan, manage and optimize the surgical flow for maximized resource utilization, and enhanced coordination.

Help streamline processes

We strive to help streamline processes through increased digitalization and automation. One example is Sterile Supply Management that safeguards complete traceability, optimize instrument and device utilization, and facilitates on-time delivery for surgeries.

Maximize dependability

We work to ensure that healthcare and life science professionals can rely on our products and solutions to deliver as expected. As original equipment manufacturers we have an extensive service offering including routine preventive maintenance performed by a highly knowledgeable service team.

Provide knowledge and training

We give virtual training courses to help hospitals around the world to assume greater environmental responsibility and optimize daily flows in central sterile supply departments and operating rooms.

Maintain a quality culture

We are committed to delivering quality. This means that we go beyond ensuring product quality and regulatory compliance. We advance our offerings through customer insights and innovation, continuously improving products, services and processes.

Work through collaboration

The challenges posed by limited capital and natural resources can only be solved through partnerships. We value the close collaboration we have with customers, suppliers, universities and other partners.