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Supporting our customers in every aspect

Training Courses

Are you interested in further trainings, supported by our experienced trainer? Let us know in which area you want to develop, and we can find the most suitable classroom event or virtual instructor led training for you.

Getinge Experience Centers

Experience our products and solutions within a complete, real-world medical setting. Explore our interactive learning setup and see the many ways in which Getinge supports your lifesaving efforts.


Getinge is committed to continue supporting the advancement of clinical research that relate to disease states, conditions, and treatments relevant to the company’s mission.

사용자 귀하, 이제 글로벌 콘텐츠를 볼 수 있습니다. Getinge Korea는 이 내용을 검토하거나 통제하지 않습니다. Getinge International 제품 중 일부가 귀하의 국가에서 승인되지 않았을 수 있습니다. 자세한 한국어 정보는 저희에게 문의해주세요.