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  • Is this fair to everyone?
  • Are you okay?
  • Am I respectful even when I disagree?
  • Could my workplace be made safer or healthier? What can I do and who can help me?
  • Do I have biases and preconceived notions that I should work on?

Getinge is responsible.

Our policies have clear messages everyone should know, whether you’ve read them in their entirety or not.

Getinge shall offer and maintain a safe and sound working environment regardless of geographic location. Each of us has the right to be treated with respect, dignity, and common courtesy. As part of our commitment to having a diverse and inclusive workplace, we have zero tolerance towards discrimination, harassment and bullying.

At Getinge, we are committed to identifying, mitigating, and preventing Human Rights abuses in our business, operations, supply chain, and the communities in which we operate.

Data Privacy and Data Protection are fundamental human rights and we will apply appropriate contractual, technical and organization measures to secure those rights.

Learn more about others Getinge's principles