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Successful Torin training

Planning, management and optimization of the surgical department has never been so easy! With Torin, our OR management solution that is using artificial intelligence to improve long-term and daily scheduling, we support real-time progress updates and performance analysis. All to provide overview, structure workflows and utilize resources more efficiently, enabling the best possible care for patients.


Torin will make a difference for all hospitals that are looking to work more efficiently with their surgical planning and daily management of appointments. With Torin, Getinge provides one tool for both optimized long-term planning and reliable real-time execution.

Beginning of June, we had the pleasure to host a selected group of our partners from MEA & Singapore in Germany, to show them close up all benefits of using Torin. Our guests had the opportunity to see how TORIN transformed the OR Operations at Klinikum Stuttgart, how Torin has supported the decision making and ensured efficient operation.

During the second day, all participants met with our speakers in Getinge Experience Center in Frankfurt, to get insightful information and knowledge about Torin.


“Torin was designed to improve the way coordinators and staff collaborate both in and across departments. By organizing the workflow within the OR and to the other departments, staff have easy access to the same updated information, which reduces the need for phone coordination and minimizes disruptions”- says Kareem Fouly, Head of Sales DHS, Distributor Market. “This is a very innovative tool and can definitely improve the efficiency of the hospital. All participants of our meeting were very satisfied by this event, we received positive feedback and definitely we would like to organize such meetings in a future” – add Kareem. “We have concluded the meeting with motivated partners, with clear set of actions and action plans per market to ensure we talk to the right customers segment and start building our market opportunities” – add Kareem

Congratulations to all involved people for organizing such great meeting!