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Getinge Assured Helix Tests

Assurance to the user that maximum cycle parameters have been achieved to release the load.

The Getinge Assured Helix Test is a reusable device accompanied with single use chemical indicator strips. The indicator strips will change color from pink to black when exposed to appropriate steam sterilization conditions. The adhesive indicator strips can be used for record keeping.

* Not available for sales in the USA.

Getinge Assured Helix Tests is a reusable device with single use chemical indicator strips

Getinge Assured ヘリックステストの特徴

  • サイクルに合わせて校正 - 134°C(3.5、4、5.3、7分)
  • ホルダーは再使用可能で、250サイクルまで使用可能
  • 日常的な滅菌モニタリングに最適
  • 背面の粘着性が容易な文書化を実現
  • 鉛、有害な重金属不使用
  • ピンクから黒への色変化


Getinge Assured Helix Test 3.5、3.5分 134°C 504052700
Getinge Assured Helix Test 4、4分 134°C 504052800
Getinge Assured Helix Test 5.3、5.3分 134°C 504052900
Getinge Assured Helix Test 7、7分 134°C 504053000


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