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Everyone at Getinge is driven by a passion for life, and not only the life of a patient. We have a passion for all dimensions of life, for example the life of our planet and societal life. Charitable donations are an incremental part of our commitment giving back to communities and charitable organizations.

At Getinge, we are committed to being good corporate citizens. One way is to provide charitable or philanthropic donations supporting the work of designated charitable organizations to advance environmental initiatives, education, culture, social welfare, and disaster relief.

We invite you to submit a donation request to us by using the application form on this web page.

Please note that only applications in English language that have been filled out correctly and completed in full can be processed. Applications will be denied if all required information is not provided, but please restrict the documents and information you submit to what is necessary. The probability of your proposal being accepted does not increase with the number of documents you hand in.

All charitable donations are conducted in an ethical and compliant manner. Our aim is to support sustainable projects by charitable organizations and institutions only. We will only approve charitable donations to bona fide charitable organizations.

To conduct a careful review of each application and to ensure compliance, we request that applications be submitted at least 60 days prior to the requested funding decision date or event start date. Applications submitted with less than 60 days to the requested funding decision date may not be reviewed within the suggested time frame. Requests of more than 50.000 SEK may require more time.

You will receive a response within six to eight weeks of us receiving your request. If the request is approved, you will receive a legally relevant commitment specifying the amount of funding and the intended purpose.

After you receive the donation payment, you must issue a donation receipt to Getinge Donation Email address:

사용자 귀하, 이제 글로벌 콘텐츠를 볼 수 있습니다. Getinge Korea는 이 내용을 검토하거나 통제하지 않습니다. Getinge International 제품 중 일부가 귀하의 국가에서 승인되지 않았을 수 있습니다. 자세한 한국어 정보는 저희에게 문의해주세요.