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Acrobat-i Stabilizer

Helps surgeons gain better access and control for hard-to-reach vessels during CABG surgery.

Off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) surgery can offer patients benefits like reduced stroke in high-risk patients[1], reduced bleeding complications in diabetics[2] and reduced in-hospital death with patients with low ejection fractions[3].

Acrobat-i Stabilizer helps surgeons gain better access and control for hard to reach vessels during coronary artergy bypass surgery CABG
Acrobat-i Stabilizer helps surgeons gain better access and control for hard to reach vessels during coronary artergy bypass surgery CABG
Acrobat-i Stabilizer helps surgeons gain better access and control for hard to reach vessels during coronary artergy bypass surgery CABG
  1. 1. Kowalewski M, Pawliszak W, Malvindi PG, Bokszanski MP, Perlinski D, Raffa GM, et al. Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting improves short-term outcomes in high-risk patients compared with on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: Meta-analysis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016 Jan;151(1):60-77.

  2. 2. Wang Y, Shi X, Du R, Chen Y, Zhang Q. Off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with diabetes: a meta-analysis. Acta Diabetol. 2017 Mar;54(3):283-292.

  3. 3. Keeling WB, Williams ML, Slaughter MS, Zhao Y, Puskas JD. Off-pump and on-pump coronary revascularization in patients with low ejection fraction: a report from the society of thoracic surgeons national database. Ann Thorac Surg. 2013 Jul;96(1):83-8: discussion 88-9.

  4. 4. Puskas J, Martin J, Cheng D, et al. ISMICS Consensus Conference and Statements of Randomized Controlled Trials of Off-Pump versus Conventional Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. Innovations. 2015;10:219-229.

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