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Optimized Fluid Management

Your navigator in perioperative hemodynamic management

The ProAQT sensor provides parameters such as blood flow, volume responsiveness, afterload and contractility.
Guide fluid therapy via dynamic parameters in order to optimize the balance between oxygen delivery and consumption.
ProAQT with PulsioFlex monitor allows reliable and physiological interpretation of the patient‘s hemodynamic status.

Reliable interpretation of the patient‘s hemodynamic status in the OR

ProAQT is one component of the PulsioFlex monitoring concept. Based on over 20 years of research with the PiCCO pulse contour algorithm, ProAQT allows reliable and physiological interpretation of the patient‘s hemodynamic status. The ProAQT technology supports goal directed therapy and allows the review of interventions to assess their success.

Within minutes the monitoring range can be expanded to include variables such as blood flow, volume responsiveness, afterload and contractility. The ProAQT sensor is simply integrated into the existing blood pressure  measurement system.


  • Recognize instability, make the right decision - earlier!
  • Easy setup using the existing arterial-line
  • Manual calibration with a reference cardiac output possible
  • Based on PiCCO pulse contour algorithm
  • Integrated signal LED increases safety

Related products

ProAQT Technology is the innovative CO trend monitoring

Delivers real time beat to beat CO trend

Works with a standard arterial catheter to support easy setup

Detects dynamic fluid responsiveness (PPV, SVV)

Clinical studies show reduction in complications[1]

Can be calibrated manually using data from ultrasound or PAC

Useful application in

  • Perioperative hemodynamic optimization of high risk patients or high risk procedures
  • Assessment of therapy effect
  • Early recognition of unstable patients

How does ProAQT Cardiac-Index Monitoring work?

ProAQT principle and calibration procedure

The patient characteristics used within the ProAQT calibration algorithm operate on some assumptions about patient demographics and change in vascular tone of the patient.
This may lead to some discrepancies in the calculated values.

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  1. 1. Salzwedel C et al., CritCare 2013; 17(5): R191

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