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Fusion Bioline

Injertos vasculares recubiertos de heparina

Mejora del rendimiento del injerto

Fusion Bioline Vascular Graft.
Heparin coated vascular grafts.
Fusion Bioline Vascular Graft.


straight-intergard (1).png
Diámetro   Longitud
5 mm 40 cm
5 mm 80 cm
6 mm 20 cm
6 mm 40 cm
6 mm 60 cm
6 mm 80 cm
7 mm 40 cm
7 mm 80 cm
8 mm 40 cm
8 mm 60 cm
8 mm 80 cm
10 mm 40 cm
10 mm 80 cm


Compatible con Helix

Diámetro   Longitud
5 mm 40 cm
5 mm 80 cm
6 mm 40 cm
6 mm 60 cm
6 mm 80 cm
7 mm 40 cm
7 mm 80 cm
8 mm 40 cm
8 mm 60 cm
8 mm 80 cm
10 mm 40 cm
10 mm 80 cm

Todos los injertos están totalmente apoyados, excepto 3 cm en un extremo.

  1. 1. Data on file at Getinge.

  2. 2. Cronwett & Johnston et al., Rutherford’s Vascular Surgery 8th ed., Vol 2, Elsevier, 2014.

  3. 3. Lumsden et al., Randomized controlled trial comparing the safety and efficacy between the FUSION BIOLINE Heparin-Coated Vascular Graft and EXXCEL Soft ePTFE (FINEST) Trial., Journal of Vascular Surgery Mar 2015.

  4. 4. Feyrer, et al. Reduction of Neuropsychological Dysfunction after Cardiac Surgery with Heparin-coated Cardiopulmonary Bypass Circuits: Kardiotechnik 01/1998.

  5. 5. Palatianos GM, Foroulis CN, Vassili MI. et al. A prospective, double-blind study on the efficacy of the bioline surface-heparinized extracorporeal perfusion circuit; Ann Thoracic Surg 2003 Jul;76(1):129-35.

  6. 6. Dietrich Bosse 1 , Michaela Praus, Peter Kiessling, Lars Nyman, Corina Andresen, Joanne Waters, Fritz Schindel. Phase I Comparability of Recombinant Human Albumin and Human Serum Albumin. J Clin Pharmacol. 2005 Jan;45(1):57-67. doi: 10.1177/0091270004269646.

  7. 7. MANSOOR AMIJI and KINAM PARK, Surface modification of polymeric biomaterials with poly(ethylene oxide), albumin, and heparin for reduced thrombogenicity., Journal of Surface Modification of Biomaterials, 1992, Aug.