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Getinge Assured Protein Test Instrument Lumen

Cost effective and easy to use

The Getinge Assured Protein Test Lumen is a quick and easy test used to detect residual protein in lumen surgical instruments. This test provides a semiquantitative measure of lumen cleanliness; the higher the level of contamination of protein (bioburden), the darker and faster the color changes to blue.

* Not available for sales in the USA.

Getinge Assured Protein Test Instrument Lumen detects residual protein in lumen surgical instruments

Getinge Assured Protein Test Instrument Lumen offers:

  • The higher level of contamination of protein the darker and faster the blue result
  • Protein residue test for lumen surgical instruments
  • Accuracy of 1 µg in less than 10 seconds
  • No incubation required
  • Clear light brown to blue color change
  • Cost effective and easy to use

Technical data

  Order No.
Getinge Assured Protein Test Instrument Lumen 503911200


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