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Debt Programs and funding sources

Social financing

Debt Financing

Getinge's financial risk management is centralized to capitalize on economies of scale, synergy effects and to minimize operational risks.

The central treasury function is responsible for the Group's borrowing, liquidity management, currency and interest rate risk management, and serves as an internal bank for the Group's financial transactions. In addition to ensuring that Getinge has secure financing, financial transactions are conducted with the aim of limiting the Group's financial risks.

Getinge's ambition is to meet credit ratios equivalent to investment grade and Leverage (Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA) shall be monitored and kept within 2.5x. Getinge's Leverage may exceed this level temporarily from time to time, to finance acquisitions or due to short term effects.

The Group shall aim to diversify the funding sources and the maturity profile to reduce the refinancing risk. Considerations shall be taken to the maturity of the back-up facility, when placing maturities in the capital market.

The available cash in the Group, including unutilized credit facilities, shall always, exceed 1 000 MSEK. 

Debt Capital Market Programs and Funding Sources

Getinge have several borrowing programs, including both committed bank credit facilities and capital market funding programs. These provide a good level of preparedness for temporary fluctuations in the Group's short-term liquidity requirements, as well as ensuring long-term funding. In addition to the capital market programs, Getinge also has a back-up bank facility (Revolving credit facility) of EUR 470 million with a syndication of 7 banks. For short term funding needs, a Swedish commercial paper program is available. Currently we do not have a credit rating.

MTN program

Medium Term Note (MTN) program with a framework amount of SEK 6.0 billion, which was established 2018.

Short term commercial paper program

Swedish commercial paper program of SEK 5.0 billion. The program was last updated on September 21, 2023.

MTN Program

A significant portion of the Group´s long-term borrowings are issued on the capital markets under Getinge’s Medium Term Note (MTN) Program. The documents are only available in Swedish. 

MTN prospectus and supplements

Grundprospekt MTN 2024 Download PDF
Getinge - Tilläggsprospekt MTN 2024 Download PDF
Grundprospekt MTN 2023 Download PDF
Getinge AB (publ) Tilläggsprospekt Download PDF

Bond terms

Outstanding listed issues under the Group´s Swedish MTN Program

Loan No Issue date Maturity date MSEK Interest Final terms
14 20 Sept 2024 20 Sept 2029 750 3M+1,30% Getinge AB - Lån 14 - Slutliga Villkor
13 20 Sept 2024 20 Sept 2027 750 3M+0,90% Getinge AB - Lån 13 - Slutliga Villkor
12 7 Dec 2023 7 March 2029 500 3M+1,67% Getinge AB - Lån 12 - Slutliga Villkor
11 17 May 2023 17 May 2028 350 4,62% Getinge AB - Lån 11 - Slutliga Villkor
10 17 May 2023 17 May 2028 650 3M+1,65% Getinge AB - Lån 10 - Slutliga Villkor
9 17 Nov 2022 17 Nov 2025 500 3M+2,05% Getinge AB - Lån 9 - Slutliga Villkor
8 19 May 2022 19 May 2025 200 3,38% Getinge AB - Lån 8 - Slutliga Villkor
7 19 May 2022 19 May 2025 674 3M+1,20% Getinge AB - Lån 7 - Slutliga Villkor
6 4 Nov 2021 4 Nov 2026 600 3M+0,87% Getinge AB - Lån 6 - Slutliga Villkor


Social financing

Getinge has established a Framework to enable issuance of Social Bonds. Getinge has engaged Sustainalytics to provide an independent Second Party Opinion on the Social Financing Framework.

Social financing framework and related documentation

Getinge Social Financing Framework Second Party Opinion Download PDF
Getinge Social Financing Report 2022 Download PDF
Social Financing Framework May 2021 Download PDF
Auditor’s Limited Assurance Report Download PDF

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